Monday, August 9, 2010

Another day....
This afternoon I went out with my friends and lol... I slipped on rocks and hit my butt xD.
And I think I twisted my ancle too.... hurts >.>

Nahhh just kidding I'm fine ^^
It was so hot outside yesterday, but that couldn't make me stay home!
I went with my sister and a rly good friend outside to skate^^
After 3 hours of racing through the city I came back home and had a shower ;=)
Idk why but I couldn't fell asleep till 4.30 am... and slept till 8.20 am O.o

Now the sky is cloudy and I think it also rains... not sure :P
I would love to go again out but I'm scared of thunders and lightnings xD
I guess today will be another boring day ... I'll just stay home and play my guitar <3

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ok so yeah... I've been missing for 1 month or so...
What happened?
Well it's holiday!
I've been in Prague and in Vienna. These cities are the most beautiful places I've ever been to, although I MUST say I loved Prague way more than Vienna. :P
So if you guys wanna go on a peacefull holiday i recommend you these cities.

What else.... hmmmmm...
Oh yeah! I've been to The Cranberries' gig in Bucharest and I must say it was one of the best days in my whole life ^^
I took a photo in which Dolores is looking straight at me :P.
Oh and i saw 1 of the most adorable gestures in my life. After the last song, the singer got off her necklace and gave it to a 3 years old girl who was in the first rows and kissed her on her forehead ^^
That "baby" knew all the songs :O

Those were all the events of my holiday ^^

Friday, June 25, 2010

Full Day >_<

Today i played the guitar for my aunt together with my cousin and a really good frined of mine, a girl called Ilinca. When i say i played for her i mean i played at the "party" she organized. The songs we played were "Hit the Road Jack", "Flying Dreamer" (our creation),"I'm Yours" and "Stand by me". Pretty old stuff but the party had the topic " 20 years after graduating the high school"...

The event was recorded and you could see it live somewhere on the internet, im not sure.
I had a full day.. i went there at 9 in the morning and i arrived back home at 5 in the afternoon.
The good thing is that we drank champagne and ate cookies *NOM NOM NOM* xD

Best regards,
Teddy ^^


Hi, my name is Theodora Constantin, I'm a 15 years old girl from Romania.I live in Iasi. My hobby is playing the guitar. I'm a member of the folk band Poem. We play in our school and in some local event such as charity events.
I play the acoustic guitar for about 18 months now and the electric guitar for 6 month. I personally prefer heavy metal/ death metal/ symphonic power metal stuff, but folk is just ok for me at the moment.
Oh and by the way my nickname is Teddy.
I love music... and I mean it. I can't leave the house without my mobile phone and my headphone set! Even before I fell asleep I use to listening to music and sometimes I wake up early in the morning and realise I had forgotten to turn off the music.(you may think i'm addicted >_<)
I decided that my blog language should be English and I know my English isn't perfect(yet) but I find this as a good exercise for me. I hope I'll keep posting this holiday but I can't say anything yet about the period after it.
