Monday, August 9, 2010

Another day....
This afternoon I went out with my friends and lol... I slipped on rocks and hit my butt xD.
And I think I twisted my ancle too.... hurts >.>

Nahhh just kidding I'm fine ^^
It was so hot outside yesterday, but that couldn't make me stay home!
I went with my sister and a rly good friend outside to skate^^
After 3 hours of racing through the city I came back home and had a shower ;=)
Idk why but I couldn't fell asleep till 4.30 am... and slept till 8.20 am O.o

Now the sky is cloudy and I think it also rains... not sure :P
I would love to go again out but I'm scared of thunders and lightnings xD
I guess today will be another boring day ... I'll just stay home and play my guitar <3

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ok so yeah... I've been missing for 1 month or so...
What happened?
Well it's holiday!
I've been in Prague and in Vienna. These cities are the most beautiful places I've ever been to, although I MUST say I loved Prague way more than Vienna. :P
So if you guys wanna go on a peacefull holiday i recommend you these cities.

What else.... hmmmmm...
Oh yeah! I've been to The Cranberries' gig in Bucharest and I must say it was one of the best days in my whole life ^^
I took a photo in which Dolores is looking straight at me :P.
Oh and i saw 1 of the most adorable gestures in my life. After the last song, the singer got off her necklace and gave it to a 3 years old girl who was in the first rows and kissed her on her forehead ^^
That "baby" knew all the songs :O

Those were all the events of my holiday ^^